A 4th grade student has been having difficulty with academic performance in school and was recently diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The child also has a diagnosis of Type I Diabetes and at times need assistance with managing their medications for Diabetes at school. What plans or programs should you talk to the family about having the child evaluated for to have in place at the school?
D is the correct answer, both and IEP and a 504 Plan. The requirements for eligibility for an Individualized Education Program (IEP) includes having a disability that meets criteria under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), significantly impacts educational performance, and requires specialized services or instruction to make progress in school. The IEP is offered through 12th grade but would not transfer to the college setting. To be eligible for a 504 plan children must have a disability or health condition that results in functional limitations such as needing assistance administering medications. A 504 Plan would also be able to be used in the college or work setting. An IFSP (Individualized Family Support Plan) would be available to children birth to 3 years of age. It is Part C of IDEA. Services are provided in the child’s natural environment.
Working With Families and Teachers Lecture presented by Lisa Spector, MD, FAAP